Many players may have already completed their goals in Archnemesis League, but the Grinding Gear Games team has announced the date for the next expansion, 3.18, which will arrive on May 13th. So I decide to prepare enough POE 3.18 Currency in advance.

The PC version of the Archnemesis League will end about five days early, and new content will follow. While a live stream is planned for a week before the release of the new content 3.18, GGG stated in the announcement that the expansion will be smaller in scope than Siege of the Atlas.

I can expect a new Challenge League, more endgame improvements and other content, which will be revealed during the live broadcast. And I hope to get more POE PC Currency for a better gaming experience. And POECurrency can give me the cheapest POE Orbs and it was very safe. Every player will be satisfied with it, give it a try!